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About Us

A multitude of health reform projects are implemented in the Russian Federation at federal, regional or municipal levels. Many of these projects generate valuable results. zdravinform was developed in order to make better use of these valuable results. It is the aim of zdravinform to collect and process information on ongoing and completed health reform projects implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation. This enables health care managers, researchers and consultants to get a detailed picture of the latest developments in health reform and better exploit these experiences. The existing experience can be built on in the process of replication and implementation of health reform initiatives or utilised to start new activities at a more progressive stage and avoid duplication.

The database was developed at the Central Scientific Research Institute for Informatisation and Organisation of the Health Care System (CSRI), currently is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia. It contains general information on projects (donor, duration, beneficiary, objectives, contact details) as well as a summary of the main achievements and a collection of helpful materials developed under the project.

The materials can be either directly downloaded from the system or they can be accessed through the Hardcopy Library at the CSRI. We make every effort to provide access to the materials directly through the internet. If this is not possible, however, the zdravinform-Team at the CSRI welcomes your visits and also offers a postal service for interested parties against a minor charge to reimburse the copying and sending expenses.

The information made available in this library is directly provided by donor organizations, implementation agencies and health authorities involved in the implementation of the project. Overall, "zdravinform" is a system for you and by you. "Zdravinform" can only provide useful and up-to-date information, if the users of the system actively participate in the collection and consolidation process. The "zdravinform"-Team will make a concerted effort to regularly exchange with the donor organizations, regional and federal health authorities and implementing agencies to gather the necessary information. You can also register a new project online.

 Copyright  2002—2025, Federal Public Health Institute
 The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
 Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"