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Project: Peer support programme for youths in St. Petersburg related to dialogue, life quality and HIV/AIDS

29/11/2001 - 29/11/2003 (24 months)

Project goals

Training of 50 adolescentsas peer natural leaders;·Organization of “safe talk parties” for about 1000 adolescents; Collaboration with other youth organizations in St. Petersburg;·Study tours to Norway to institutions dealing with harm reduction.


1) The project will through a number of workshops and in collaboration with the staff of the youth organization “Right Bank” in St.Petersburg train 50 youths as Peer Natural Leaders (PNL). The training comprises general communicational skills, communication on sexuality, communication on drug abuse, knowledge of HIV/AIDS, drug abuse, prevention and some knowledge of harm reduction related to HIV/AIDS and STDs. The workshops will be performed in collaboration with the Norwegian organization MSO.
2)The PNL will arrange workshops and informal meetings (Safe Talk Parties) for approximately 1.000 youths in the relevant age groups in the course of the two years’ project duration.
3) The non-Russian project workers will share experiences with the staff of “Right Bank” and through the project provide them with a basis for sustained activities and development/refinement of approaches after the termination of the project.
4) The project will regularly inform other youth organizations in St.Petersburg and other agencies in St.Petersburg performing similar and adjacent projects with a view to the diffusion of results and the creation of future projects based on the experiences of the project.
5) The project will provide study tours to Norway for selected PNL to visit the HIV-center "Aksept" and other institutions dealing with prophylactics and harm reduction re HIV and STI.


  • Saint-Petersburg
  • Murmansk oblast
  • Related Organisations

    Counterparts:   no information
    Beneficiaries:   NGO Aksept
    Youth organisation Right Bank
    Financiers:   Task Force on Communicable Disease in the Baltic Sea Region (TFBS)
    Contractors:   no information

    Project Budget

    85 000 Euro.


    This project is characterised by the topics below. Please click on one of these topics to see a list of other projects with that topic.

    Adolescent health

    Disease Prevention

    Education for health


    Sexually transmitted diseases

    ФГУ «ЦНИИОИЗ Минздравсоцразвития РФ» официальный сайт

     Copyright  2002—2024, Federal Public Health Institute
     The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
     Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"
    WHO EU