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Project: Quality improvement in prevention of socially dangerous infections (SSI) (STIs, Tb, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis) in primary health care

01/01/2003 - 31/12/2003 (12 months)


Situation with socially dangerous infections in former USSR and Baltic states is on rise same as in the many countries in the world. Growing incidence of STIs, Tb, Hepatitis and HIV is connected with their wide prevalence in risk groups such as commercial sex, injecting drug use, Tb prevalence in prisons. All these socially dangerous infections are then transmitted into general population.

Schedule Summary
1. Improved training in prevention of socially dangerous infections of primary care personnel
1.1. Establish a planning structure consisting of all relevant stakeholders to ensure a fully participatory and inclusive process for planning, implementation and evaluation of objectives and interventions
1.2. Adaptation and conduction of training programs for primary health care staff on prevention of socially dangerous infections.
1.3. Assess health needs (STIs, HIV\AIDS, Tb and Hepatitis)
1.4. Determine knowledge and skills needed by nurses and midwives
1.5. Develop and improve training material
1.6. Develop library system and data base
1.7. Assess learning needs of educators
2. Improvement of preventive activities in primary care
2.1. Evaluation of existing system of prevention care
2.2. Establish continuity between various levels of provision of preventive care.
2.3. Developing of new system of prevention of socially dangerous infections in primary health care
2.4. Pilot testing of the new system
2.5. Training of teachers (from staff of pilot organizations)
3. Reduction of incidence of socially dangerous infections
3.1. Conduction of training seminars for specialists.


  • Arkhangelsk oblast
  • Murmansk oblast
  • Republic of Karelia
  • Related Organisations

    Counterparts:   no information
    Beneficiaries:   no information
    Financiers:   Task Force on Communicable Disease in the Baltic Sea Region (TFBS)
    Contractors:   Central Public Health Research Institute for Organisation and Informatisation of Health Care

    Project Budget

    100 000 Euro.


    The following table contains the persons involved in the project and the organisations they belong to. In order to get contact details about a person or an organisation, please click on its name.

    Position in project
    Name of
    the Expert
    Current work place
    Place of
    Expert Mikheev P. A. Central Public Health Research Institute for Organisation and Informatisation of Health Care
    Team Leader Bereznitsky S. Central Public Health Research Institute for Organisation and Informatisation of Health Care

    This project is characterised by the topics below. Please click on one of these topics to see a list of other projects with that topic.

    Communicable diseases


    ФГУ «ЦНИИОИЗ Минздравсоцразвития РФ» официальный сайт

     Copyright  2002—2024, Federal Public Health Institute
     The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
     Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"
    WHO EU