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Project: Health Reform Implementation Project for the Russian Federation

18/03/2003 - 30/06/2008 (63.5 months)

Project goals

The project will help to determine which changes to scale up and how to do so on the basis of Federal-level guidelines that will be tested at the local level. Strengthening of Federal-level functions will be combined with reforms at the local level, starting with two participating subjects of the Federation - the Republic of Chuvash and the Region of Voronezh.

The Russian health system became highly decentralized in the course of the early 1990s. While Russia's regions have taken a more active role in the sector, many aspects of the relationship between regional and federal levels remain unclear. Also, as a result of limited resources and sometimes outdated practices, the quality of the health care system in Russia needs significant improvement. The old Soviet system emphasized specialists and hospital care, while basic services, such as primary care and preventive measures, were less developed. Now, in a constrained financial environment, it is essential to get the best value for money from the health care system and to make it more responsive to the needs of the population. The Government is providing leadership for this process, in support of which the Health Reform Implementation Project will emphasize high-impact polices and interventions in order to maximize the effects of domestic spending, with a focus on the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of the health system.

  • establish a system of federal regulations required for effective governance and management of the health system;
  • develop and implement strategic approaches to health sector reform in selected regions;
  • strengthen the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Health as a federal executive agency;
  • draw lessons from the implementation of regional programs and disseminate them to other regions;
  • and
    develop and implement an efficient scheme of restructuring of the health system, with an emphasis on increased access, quality and efficiency of health services that will benefit from direct investment under the project.


  • Chuvash Republic
  • Voronezh oblast
  • Related Organisations

    Counterparts:   Canadian Agency of International Development (CIDA)
    Beneficiaries:   Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation
    Financiers:   World Bank (WB)
    Contractors:   no information

    Project Budget

    30 000 000 US Dollar.

    Project Documents

    The following table lists the documents created by or used in the project. In order to see details about a document, or to download it, please click on its title or on 'details'.

    Document Type Title Format More...
    Normative documents Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet This document can be downloaded This document has been written by the project View Details of the Document
    Reports Project Appraisal Document This document can be downloaded This document has been written by the project View Details of the Document
    Reports Project Information Document This document can be downloaded This document has been written by the project View Details of the Document

    Additional information

    The project has a total cost of $41.21 million, of which IBRD will finance $30 million and $11.21 will be counterpart financing provided by the Russian Federation. Of the total IBRD loan amount, $20 million will be spent on regional activities. The Government of Canada provided technical assistance to the Chuvash Republic for project preparation through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).


    This project is characterised by the topics below. Please click on one of these topics to see a list of other projects with that topic.

    Health care financing

    Health economics

    Health management and planning

    Health policy

    Legislation and regulation

    Planning of medical services
     from section: Health management and planning

    Quality management
     from section: Health management and planning


    Strategic management
     from section: Health management and planning

    ФГУ «ЦНИИОИЗ Минздравсоцразвития РФ» официальный сайт

     Copyright  2002—2025, Federal Public Health Institute
     The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
     Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"
    WHO EU