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Project: Healthy mother/ healthy child

01/01/1999 - 01/12/2006 (ongoing project)

Project goals

1.Improvement of health of women and children of 1st year of a life. 2.Decrease in parent and infantile death rate at the expense of increase of efficiency of rendering assistance to women and babies, including preventive maintenance of transfer of a HIV-infection from mother to the child.
3.Decrease in repeated abortions and undesirable pregnancy in pilot regions.
4.Introduction of services of the benevolent relation to youth and access increase to the information on reproductive health for men.


1.Creation of organizational model of introduction in obstetrical and неонатальную practice of the methods, which efficiency it is proved by modern demonstrative medicine.
2.Improvement of advisory services in use of modern methods of contraception, especially for women after the delivery and abortion.


In the beginning of activity of the project complex strategy on project introduction has been developed:

1.Visits of expert groups to pilot regions for an estimation existing an expert have been spent.

2.In 14 regions base research at level of pilot medical institutions for an estimation existing an expert 3 has been conducted.

3.Since May, 2004 a number of training seminars is spent: 9 seminars devoted to modern methods of contraception and preventive maintenance of undesirable pregnancy, and also to consultation questions, 8 seminars on антенатальному to leaving, 9 seminars on the obstetric aid focused on participation of a family, 14 seminars on resuscitation of newborns, 9 seminars on chest feeding and a seminar under the infectious control. In this time 1800 persons have been trained nearby. All seminars were spent by forces of the Russian trainers - experts of the project.

4.In half a year after carrying out of training of medical workers repeated visits of expert group of the project to each of regions for the purpose of an estimation of the occurred changes in region and for rendering of necessary technical support in realisation an expert have been organised.

5.Since May, 2005 in 9 pilot regions with high level of prevalence of a HIV-infection research in the treatment-and-prophylactic establishments, devoted to studying of practice of vertical preventive maintenance of a HIV-infection and planning of a family at a HIV-infected of women has begun.

6.Work with the leading organisations working in Russia concerning vertical preventive maintenance ViCh/SpIda is actively conducted: With Ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency of supervision in sphere of protection of the rights of consumers and to well-being of the person, the Federal scientifically-methodical centre of preventive maintenance and struggle against AIDS, Scientifically-practical centre MZ of the Russian Federation of the help to pregnant women and children with a HIV-infection, the American international union of public health services (АМСЗ), University research corporation (URC/QAP), Children's Fund of the United Nations (UNICEF), Fund of Elizabeth Glazer and other organisations working in this direction.

7.The project actively participates in annual meetings of projects in the field of the public health services, spent John Snow, Ink in the Eastern Europe and Eurasia. The meeting purpose is: active cooperation between projects, discussion of possibilities of development of new business in region, search of ways of distribution of results of successful work and an exchange of experience.

8.In September, 2005 in Vladivostok within the limits of II Far East regional congress «the Person and a medicine Mother and the child» together with Department of public health services of Administration of Primorski Territory has been spent by "project" a symposium «Perfection of medical aid to women and children on the basis of demonstrative medicine. An operational experience of the Russian-American project« Mother and the child »in which representatives of 16 regions Russian Federations, participating in the project participated. The symposium purposes were: Representation of demonstrative base in перинатологии, discussion of strategy of introduction in practice modern перинатальных an expert, and also representation of experience of the project «Mother and the child» on introduction of technologies of rendering of medical aid to women and children, based on demonstrative medicine.

9.In October, 2005 in Suzdali at annual Russian conference on ViCh/SpIdu by the project «Mother and the child» the developed kliniko-organizational management on preventive maintenance of a HIV-infection from mother to the child has been officially presented. Management working out was spent together with Department of mediko-social problems of a family, motherhood and the childhood of Ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency of supervision in sphere of protection of the rights of consumers and to well-being of the person, the Scientifically-practical centre of the help to pregnant women and children with a HIV-infection, in cooperation with TSNII ОИЗ and the advisory help of the Federal scientifically-methodical Center on preventive maintenance and struggle against AIDS. The given management is approved by national both regional heads of public health services and experts in the field of ViCh/SpIda.


The received results have shown high efficiency of actions of the project on improvement of quality of medical aid to women and children and improvement of the basic indicators of reproductive health:

1.Satisfaction of women quality of the services given at antenatal supervision, has increased from 65 % to 90 %, and in maternity hospitals - from 63 % to 87 %.

2. Four of five maternity hospitals participating in the project, have received the Certificate and the Honorary title the CART/JUNISEF «Hospital of the benevolent relation to the child».

3.Now 48 % of women use possibility of a birth of the child in the presence of members of a family in comparison with 4 % in 2000.

4.Joint stay of mother with the newborn has increased from 38 % to 82 %.

5.Exclusively chest feeding during all time of stay in maternity hospital has grown three times: from 26 % to 88 %.

6.73 % of young mothers practise exclusively chest feeding of the newborn till 6 months (according to 2003) in comparison with 28 % in 2000.

7.Quantity of educational materials (brochures, leaflets, booklets and posters) in establishments essentially возросло:в three quarters of women have informed 2003 that they have received or have taken away with itself information educational materials while in the beginning of work of the project less than one thirds of women have confirmed it.

8.Among total number of women of the reproductive age living in three cities: - considerable changes in the relation to modern methods of contraception were observed:
-use of modern methods has increased by 5 % - 10 % in three cities.
-level of abortions has decreased for a project operating time «Mother and the child», continuing the tendency which was outlined in previous years.
-the number of abortions on 1000 women genital age has decreased on 6 % in Perm and on 7 % in Great Novgorod and Berezniki.

9.According to the data of Management of public health services of the Perm area direct economic benefit of project realisation in six establishments of obstetric aid of region within 2001 has made 4,6 million roubles, and within 2002 – 5 million roubles.


  • Altay Territory
  • Irkutsk oblast
  • Kaluga oblast
  • Khabarovsk Territory
  • Komi Republic
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory
  • Murmansk oblast
  • Novgorod oblast
  • Omsk oblast
  • Orenburg oblast
  • Perm oblast
  • Primorsk Territory
  • Sakha Republic (Yakutiya)
  • Sakhalin oblast
  • Tyumen oblast
  • Vologda oblast
  • Related Organisations

    Counterparts:   no information
    Beneficiaries:   Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation
    Ministry of Health of Republic Saha (Yakutia)
    Department of public health services of the Tyumen oblast
    Department of Health of the Vologda region
    Regional centre on prevention and combat AIDS and communicable diseases
    Health Department of Irkutsk oblast
    Министерство здравоохранения и социального развития Республики Коми
    Regional Center of planning of family and reproduction
    Департамент здравоохранения Пермской области
    Financiers:   United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
    Contractors:   John Snow, Inc (JSI)


    Project Budget

    no information


    The following table contains the persons involved in the project and the organisations they belong to. In order to get contact details about a person or an organisation, please click on its name.

    Position in project
    Name of
    the Expert
    Current work place
    Place of
    ENG Pelzman K.
    ENG Petrossyan L.

    This project is characterised by the topics below. Please click on one of these topics to see a list of other projects with that topic.

    Disease Prevention

    Family planning and human reproduction

    Maternal and child health

    Women's health

    ФГУ «ЦНИИОИЗ Минздравсоцразвития РФ» официальный сайт

     Copyright  2002—2025, Federal Public Health Institute
     The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
     Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"
    WHO EU