During the period of work 1940 people addressed the program, 1599 of them are IDUs. Due to project implementation the personnel of the centre got access into hard-to-reach “risk groups’ on HIV. The conducted work allowed to stabilize HIV incidence among IDUs, SWs, teenagers. The percentage of people using both syringes and needs decreased from 54% in 1999 to 23% in 2005. The percentage of people practicing unsafe sex decreased from 45% to 27% in 2005, according to the results of surveys.
1. Informational block: informing IDUs, SWs, teenagers about ways of transmission and prevention of HIV, viral hepatitis B and C, STI, preparation and dissemination of informational materials, carrying out trainings, discussions, individual counseling by doctors, demonstration of videos, carrying out campaigns etc.
2. Outreach work on the principle “Peer educators”. Outreach work among IDUs in dens, in users’ flats, with SWs - in the streets, in hotels, bars.
3.Syringe and needle exchange at exchange points and with the help of outreach workers in users’ flats.
4. Provision of free medical services: free, anonymous examination for HIV, viral hepatitis, syphilis, clamidiosis.