Project goals
Aim of the project: spread prevention of HIV/AIDS, STI, viral hepatitis in penitentiary facilities of Arkhangelsk region.
- Increasing awareness of prisoners and personnel of penitentiary facilities on HIV, viral hepatitis, STI issues;
- Forming tolerance to HIV-infected people;
- Setting up and retaining opportunities for HIV-infected people to get medical, legal and social help during the term of imprisonment.
- Medical and social rehabilitation of HIV-infected people;
- Explanatory work among convicts
- Carrying out of educational workshops for HIV infected people, for healthy convicts, personnel of penitentiary facilities;
- Carrying out radio programs in penitentiary facilities;
- Setting up of “Health corner”
- Training of volunteers from the number of convicts;
- Duplication and dissemination of informational and educational materials;
- Motivational interviewing.
Results of the lead work have received a high estimation of administration of colonies, Managements of execution of punishments and listeners.
Stabilization of HIV spread at its low level among vulnerable groups
Arkhangelsk oblast |
Project Budget 
no information
Additional information  |
The contact information:
Vera Utugova,
candidate of medical science the deserved doctor of the Russian Federation,
The Arkhangelsk regional center of preventive maintenance and struggle against AIDS and infectious diseases
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- Disease Prevention