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Project: Healthy Russia

01/10/2005 - 31/12/2006 (15 months)

Project goals

-The analysis of a sociopolitical situation and introduction of model of an estimation of needs for distribution of resources in the Orenburg area;
-Construction of a network of a civil society for carrying out адвокации concerning HIV;


Improving health of the Russian people by means of changing their attitude to their health and behavioral stereotypes through forming responsibility in men and women for their reproductive behavior;
-Improving reproductive health of the population;
-Increasing demand on counseling services of health specialists on the issues of reproductive health.


-School course of teaching life-important skills “Useful skills’;
-Extracurricular work with youth on the principle “peer to peer’;
-Placing informational materials (video, audio) on the issues of reproductive health on TV channels, radio channels, on the Internet, in the printed mass media.
-Organization of mass media campaigns “Hear each other” at the traditional places of spectacular mass activities.
-Organization of topical informational-entertaining activities at places of traditional rest of the purpose group representatives of the mass media campaign “Hear each other”.
-Organization of discussion meetings of the health specialists with the purpose audience in student and labor groups ( In collaboration with the Ministry of Health )
-Carrying out of counseling hours on the issues of reproductive health of the population at institutions and enterprises with predominantly male community.
-Carrying out of counseling hours on the issues of reproductive health of the population in the centers determined by the Ministry of Health.


Results of the first stage:
1.Mass media campaign “Hear each other” took place in the cinema hall”Kosmos” (number of participants 560 people)
2.Informational-entertaining activities took place within the framework of the campaigns “Hear each other” (youth club “Pilot”, “Dark Side” (number of participants 1000 people)
3.Demonstrational discussion meetings with health specialists took place within the framework of the campaign “Hear each other” at the Orenburg State University (number of participants -100 people); at the Orenburg State Pedagogical University (number of participants – 220 people); at the Orenburg State Agrarian University (number of participants -350 people); at The Orenburg High Anti-aircraft college (number of participants – 450 people)
4.622 people in 5 counseling centers of Orenburg got consultations on the issues of reproductive health.
5.108 people were consulted in the institutions where demonstrational campaigns took place


  • Irkutsk oblast
  • Ivanovsk oblast
  • Orenburg oblast
  • Related Organisations

    Counterparts:   no information
    Beneficiaries:   Regional centre on prevention and combat AIDS and communicable diseases
    Financiers:   The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GF)
    Contractors:   no information

    Project Budget

    88 000 000 US Dollar.


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     Copyright  2002—2024, Federal Public Health Institute
     The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
     Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"
    WHO EU