Project goals
Overall objective of the project is development of the specialized address approach to a problem of improvement of well-being of children and the youth, concerning to group of risk. |
1. Definition and development of measures on satisfaction of educational and social needs of children and youth of groups of risk;
2. Strengthening of position of the persons responsible for work with them;
3. Distribution of these measures on all territory of the Russian Federation.
4. Equipment of teachers by all necessary resources and knowledge for the help of youth in development and development of vital and social skills. |
Leningrad oblastPskov oblast |
Project Budget 
1 800 000 Euro.
Additional information  |
The national program for the Russian Federation
Topics: |
This project is characterised by the topics below. Please click on one of these topics to see a list of other projects with that topic.
- Education and training
- Social care