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Project: NESTS: Children and family in the difficult life situation

01/08/2005 - 31/12/2006 (17 months)

Project goals

Decrease social orphanhood


1. Development of new forms of work with children in establishments of social protection;
2. Creation of the methodical center on family work;
3. Development and introduction of model of work with family on a residence; 4. Development of cooperation between official bodies and НГО;
5. Interaction of experts on protection of children between the cities of St.-Petersburg and Helsinki.


1.Active support of partners, since 1998 (formation of a network of participants of the project in sphere of protection of children in St.-Petersburg and Helsinki, coordination of cooperation and planning, practical support in the organization of fact-finding visitings and seminars, coordination of a network of participants of the project from the Petersburg party).
2.Consultation under the project, participation in development of the project of "Jack" and in a writing of the application, support of the project, consultation of partners on various questions of its realization, monitoring.
3.Information support of the project through "Инфолисток" and other information channels of Network НГО.


In St.-Petersburg, in state and commercial and the organizations of social protection of children research of social technologies and the methods used in work with families in pilot areas of the project Neva and Krasnogvardaysky is carried out St.-Petersburg. In two areas of St.-Petersburg - Neva and Красногвардейском - new forms of work with family on a residence are developed and approved. The Finnish experts get acquainted with methods of the Petersburg colleagues and introduce them in Finland

Related Organisations

Counterparts:   no information
Beneficiaries:   no information
Financiers:   no information
Contractors:   no information

Project Budget

no information

Additional information

Project head Ejla Alrut, Department of social service of municipality of Helsinki, Ph. +358 50 560 2011, Mail:; The coordinator of the project in St.-Petersburg Galina Sergeevna Kurganova, ph. +7--911-919 9970,


This project is characterised by the topics below. Please click on one of these topics to see a list of other projects with that topic.

Children’s health

Social care

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 Copyright  2002—2025, Federal Public Health Institute
 The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
 Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"