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Проект: Неотложная помощь переселенцам – Чечня и Ингушетия

01/04/2000 - 01/12/2005 (проект еще не завершен)


To contribute to a reduction in morbidity and mortality among Chechen IDPs in Ingushetia and Chechnya. IMC works towards this goal by improving the accessibility and quality of primary health care for IDPs in Chechnya and Ingushetia through the provision of direct medical assistance, the enhancement of local health system capacity, and sustainable community development11 mobile medical teams serve over 15,000 IDPs living in 77 spontaneous settlements in Ingushetia, and indirectly serve over 100,000 members of local population through assistance to 10 rural medical facilities. 2 mobile educational teams provide trainings on primary health and communicable diseases to health professionals in 36 village health centers in Ingushetia and Chechnya. 2 emergency care teams provide first aid trainings to local health professionals, NGO staff, and IDPs in Ingushetia. Altogether, approximately 130,000 people in Ingusehtia benefit from IMC services, of whom 27,000 are IDPs.6 mobile medical clinics in Chechnya serve 12 villages in two northern districts of Chechnya with a combined population of 67,000. The IMC Dental Unit provides dental care to IDPs living in 10 Temporary Accommodation Centers in Grozny with a combined population of 10,000.

Основные результаты

To contribute to a reduction in morbidity and mortality among Chechen IDPs in Ingushetia and Chechnya. IMC works towards this goal by improving the accessibility and quality of primary health care for IDPs in Chechnya and Ingushetia through the provision of direct medical assistance, the enhancement of local health system capacity, and sustainable community development11 mobile medical teams serve over 15,000 IDPs living in 77 spontaneous settlements in Ingushetia, and indirectly serve over 100,000 members of local population through assistance to 10 rural medical facilities. 2 mobile educational teams provide trainings on primary health and communicable diseases to health professionals in 36 village health centers in Ingushetia and Chechnya. 2 emergency care teams provide first aid trainings to local health professionals, NGO staff, and IDPs in Ingushetia. Altogether, approximately 130,000 people in Ingusehtia benefit from IMC services, of whom 27,000 are IDPs.6 mobile medical clinics in Chechnya serve 12 villages in two northern districts of Chechnya with a combined population of 67,000. The IMC Dental Unit provides dental care to IDPs living in 10 Temporary Accommodation Centers in Grozny with a combined population of 10,000.

Место проведения

  • Республика Ингушетия
  • Чеченская Республика
  • Участвующие организации

    Партнеры:   нет информации
    Бенефициары:   нет информации
    Доноры:   Международный медицинский корпус (IMC)
    Контракторы:   нет информации

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     Copyright  © 2002—2024, ФГУ "ЦНИИОИЗ Росздрава"
     Проект финансируется программой ВОЗ/CIDA "Политика и управление в области здравоохранения в РФ"
     Разработано при поддержке проекта ЕС Тасис "North West Health Replication Project"
    WHO EU