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Английская версия текущей страницы
Проект: |
Призыв к действию
01/01/1999 - 31/12/2002 (48 месяцев)
1) To increase the coverage of prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission services to 90% of HIV-positive pregnant women delivering (n~700) in St. Petersburg (5.5 million inhabitants).
2) To implement rapid testing and treatment of women presenting in labor with un
3) To implement enhanced monitoring of perinatal HIV transmission indicators, which will include prenatal care, testing, seroprevalence, maternal and infant therapies, infant feeding practices, and abandonment.
4) To provide training of health care professionals, including obstetricians, neonatologists, nurses and laboratory scientists in HIV PMTCT, including opt-out VCT, rapid testing of women presenting in labor with undocumented HIV status, nevirapine treatment, as well as in use of family planning to prevent future unintended pregnancy and HIV transmission.
Основные результаты
1) To increase the coverage of prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission services to 90% of HIV-positive pregnant women delivering (n~700) in St. Petersburg (5.5 million inhabitants).
2) To implement rapid testing and treatment of women presenting in labor with un
3) To implement enhanced monitoring of perinatal HIV transmission indicators, which will include prenatal care, testing, seroprevalence, maternal and infant therapies, infant feeding practices, and abandonment.
4) To provide training of health care professionals, including obstetricians, neonatologists, nurses and laboratory scientists in HIV PMTCT, including opt-out VCT, rapid testing of women presenting in labor with undocumented HIV status, nevirapine treatment, as well as in use of family planning to prevent future unintended pregnancy and HIV transmission.
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