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13 organisations were found...
AIDS centre in Chechnya Details
Type:  Establishments of special type public health
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Association of Diabetes Invalids Details
Type:  Establishments of special type public health
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Centre of Medical Statistics Details
Type:  Establishments of special type public health
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Chuvash Republic
Federal AIDS Centre Details
Type:  Establishments of special type public health
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
City:  Moscow
Federal Centre for Preventive Medicine Details
Type:  Establishments of special type public health
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
City:  101953, Moscow
HIV/AIDS Center of St.-Petersburg Details
Type:  Establishments of special type public health
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Saint-Petersburg
City:  St.-Petersburg
Oblast Prevention Centre Details
Type:  Establishments of special type public health
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Yaroslavl oblast
City:  Yaroslavl
Republican center of medical preventive maintenance Details
Type:  Establishments of special type public health
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Saratov oblast AIDS Center Details
Type:  Establishments of special type public health
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
The orthopedic Center of Oulu Details
Type:  Establishments of special type public health
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Finland
City:  Oulu
The republican center of preventive maintenance and struggle about AIDS (Ulan-Ude) Details
Type:  Establishments of special type public health
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Republic of Buratiya
City:  Ulan-Ude
Yakut republican AIDS Centre Details
Type:  Establishments of special type public health
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Sakha Republic (Yakutiya)
City:  Yakutsk
Главное управление федеральной службы исполнения наказаний Минюста по Кемеровской области (ГУФСИН) Details
Type:  Establishments of special type public health
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Kemerovo oblast
City:  Кемерово

ФГУ «ЦНИИОИЗ Минздравсоцразвития РФ» официальный сайт

 Copyright  2002—2024, Federal Public Health Institute
 The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
 Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"