Site news

31/03/2005 Information Bulletin. Fourth edition
Fourth edition of Information Bulletin for Health Care decision makers has been sent through the Subscibing List. You can add your e-mail address by sending request to bulletin[at] (replace [at] to @).
n/a Information Bulletin. Third edition
Third edition of Information Bulletin for Health Care decision makers has been sent through the Subscibing List. You can add your e-mail address by sending request to bulletin[at] (replace [at] to @).
18/02/2005 New projects have been added
Information about 4 EU projects have beed added in the database.
31/01/2005 Information Bulletin. Second edition
Second edition of Information Bulletin for Health Care decision makers has been sent through the Subscibing List. You can add your e-mail address by sending request to bulletin[at] (replace [at] to @).
29/12/2004 Рождественские каникулы
Рассылка новостей и персональная работа с пользователями возобновится после рождественских каникул, 11 января.