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What is your opinion about new health reform in Russia?
I don`t care
Continues work on the data collection / 1.1.2008
The team of database “Zdravinform” continues work on the data collection. At the present moment in the data base: 424 projects, 402 organizations. Since September 9, 2003 we had 1950061 visits on the website.... Далее
The documentation center of World Health Organization carries out the re-registration of subscribers. / 17.4.2007
Dear subscribers of the news bulletin for the leaders of public health! The documentation center of World Health Organization carries out the re-registration of subscribers. We convincingly request those of you, who did not obtain the last numbers of bulletin (March April 2007.) to be registered... Далее
Domain name has been changed on / 16.4.2007
The failure in the domain address of the data base \"Zdravinform\" occurred for the technical reasons. Please use new address for the access to the resources of the data base: We don’t bear responsibility for information placed on the previous address.... Далее

Site news

25/04/2003 Database appreciated by donor organisations.

The ZrdavInform database was presented and discussed at the Donor Interagency Meeting. Donor Representatives appreciated the results and expressed their interest to support the system in the future.

23/04/2003 2 projects with full information in the database.

Two of the 77 projects are fully reviewed, and all available data has bee entered, incl. project documents and project personnel.

15/04/2003 Now 77 projects in the database.

The database contains 77 projects now. The information is still limited, but will be completed by our data review team step by step.

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 Copyright  2002—2025, Federal Public Health Institute
 The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
 Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"