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Project: Здоровье детей и подростков: сотрудничество SDC и Республики Башкортостан по медицинским вопросам профилактики и лечения

01/01/2003 - 31/12/2005 (36 months)

Project goals

1.Perfection of diagnostics and treatment of patients with malignant new growths, increase in duration of the general,survival rate, improvement of quality of a life of children with hematologic diseases in RB
2.Decrease in number of congenital developmental anomalies of a fruit, decrease in infantile death rate from congenital developmental anomalies, hemolytic illnesses of newborns
3.Introduction of modern methods of diagnostics, treatment and preventive maintenance


1.Introduction of new methods of diagnostics and treatment of children with онкогематологическими diseases
1.1.Training on a workplace of experts of Republican children's clinical hospital in branch онкогематологии children's hospital of the city of Sankt-Gallen, Switzerland
1.2.Introduction of modern reports of chemotherapy for treatment of malignant new growths at children.
Delivery in Republican children's clinical hospital of implanted systems for venous access Port-a-Cath .Training and introduction of a technique of installation of implanted systems for venous access Port-a-Cath.
1.3.An exchange of a methodical and information material.

2.Training 2 doctors Republican perinatal the center from June, 1st till August, 30th, 2004 is lead. From January, 16th till April, 16th, 2005 in a Lausanne (Switzerland) in the central hospital of university of canton VU. The technique of treatment hemolytic illnesses of a fruit by intravenous blood transfusion to a fruit prenatal is mastered and introduced at резус-disputed pregnancy, which purpose-decrease perinatal death rates of newborns at hemolytic illnesses of the newborn.
Application of a folic acid at planning pregnancy, in early terms of pregnancy for preventive maintenance of congenital developmental anomalies of a fruit.

-On May, 5-9rd 2003 participation of delegation of Republic Bashkortostan in a seminar concerning preventive maintenance and treatments of socially-significant diseases (Switzerland)
-4 July 2005 г.-carrying out of the international seminar « Modern approaches to diagnostics, treatment, preventive maintenance of a HIV-infection and a narcotism » with participation of experts from Switzerland (Ufa)
-1may–1 August, 2006-training of the doctor-инфекциониста of the Republican center of preventive maintenance and struggle against AIDS and infectious diseases to modern approaches to diagnostics, treatment and preventive maintenance HIV/AIDS(Switzerland)


Проведено обучение 2 врачей Республиканского перинатального центра с 1 июня по 30 августа 2004 года,. с 16 января по 16 апреля 2005 года в г. Лозанна (Швейцария) в центральном госпитале университета кантона ВУ. Освоена и внедрена методика лечения гемолитической болезни плода путем внутривенного переливания крови плоду внутриутробно при резус- конфликтной беременности, цель которой -снижение перинатальной смертности новорожденных при гемолитической болезни новорожденного.
Применение фолиевой кислоты при планировании беременности, в ранних сроках беременности для профилактики врожденных пороков развития плода.

-5-9 мая 2003г.- участие делегации Республики Башкортостан в семинаре по вопросам профилактики и лечения социально-значимых заболеваний (Швейцария)
-4 июля 2005 г.-проведение международного семинара « Современные подходы к диагностике, лечению, профилактике ВИЧ-инфекции и наркомании» с участием специалистов из Швейцарии ( г. Уфа)
-1мая–1 августа 2006 года -обучение врача-инфекциониста Республиканского центра профилактики и борьбе со СПИД и инфекционными заболеваниями современным подходам к диагностике, лечению и профилактике ВИЧ/СПИДА (Швейцария)


Проводятся гемотрансфузии плоду при резус-конфликте на базе Республиканского перинатального центра. С 2005-I полугодие 2008 года проведено всего 11 процедур гемотрансфузий - 7 беременным женщинам. Исход благоприятный


  • Republic of Bashkortostan
  • Related Organisations

    Counterparts:   no information
    Beneficiaries:   Ministry of Health of Republic Bashkortostan
    Financiers:   no information
    Contractors:   Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

    Project Budget

    no information


    The following table contains the persons involved in the project and the organisations they belong to. In order to get contact details about a person or an organisation, please click on its name.

    Position in project
    Name of
    the Expert
    Current work place
    Place of
    ENG Мурзабаева С. Ш. Ministry of Health of Republic Bashkortostan Republic of Bashkortostan
    ENG Ахмадеева Л. Ministry of Health of Republic Bashkortostan Republic of Bashkortostan
    ENG Koch R. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Moscow
    ENG Koide D. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Moscow

    Additional information

    The joint project with the Swiss state agency on cooperation and development SDC " Health of children and teenagers: cooperation SDC and Republics Bashkortostan on medical questions of preventive maintenance and treatment "


    This project is characterised by the topics below. Please click on one of these topics to see a list of other projects with that topic.

    Children’s health

    Disease Prevention


    Maternal and child health

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     Copyright  2002—2024, Federal Public Health Institute
     The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
     Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"
    WHO EU