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81 organisations were found...
Administration of Kurganskaya region Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Kurgan oblast
City:  Kurgan
Administration of the Chair of the Government of the Repulic Karelia Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Republic of Karelia
City:  Petrozavodsk
AIDS Foundation East & West (AFEW) Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Netherlands
City:  Amsterdam
Archangelsk Regional AIDS Centre Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Arkhangelsk regional children’s hospital Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Arkhangelsk oblast
City:  Архангельск
Arkhangelsk regional clinical dermatovenerologic dispensary Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Arkhangelsk oblast
City:  Arkhangelsk
Arkhangelsk Regional hospital Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Arkhangelsk oblast
City:  Архангельск
Center for family planning and reproduction Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Kurgan oblast
City:  Kurgan
Central City Hospital #7 (Ekaterinburg) Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Sverdlovsk oblast
City:  Ekaterinburg
Clinic «Olafia», Oslo Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Norway
City:  Oslo
Clinical medical surgical centre, Health Ministry of Omsk oblast Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Omsk oblast
Geriatric Centre of St. Petersburg Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Saint-Petersburg
Governmental Medical Organization Republican Center of Medicine, Karelia Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Republic of Karelia
City:  Петрозаводск
Hospital No. 1, Chelyabinsk Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Chelyabinsk oblast
City:  Chelyabinsk
Komi AIDS Centre Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Komi Republic
City:  Syktyvkar
Komi republican narcological dispensary Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Komi Republic
Leningrad Oblast AIDS Centre Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Leningrad oblast
City:  St Petersburg
Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center (LESHRC) Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  United States
Maternity hospital #1 of the city of Kurgan Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Kurgan oblast
City:  Kurgan
Norwegian Institute of Public Health Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Norway
Open Health Institute Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Moscow
City:  Moscow
Perm regional children's clinical hospital (ПОДКБ) Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
President's Medical Centre Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Moscow
City:  Moscow
Regional Asthma Centre Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Chelyabinsk oblast
City:  Chelyabinsk
Regional Center of planning of family and reproduction Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Regional centre on prevention and combat AIDS and communicable diseases Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Regional medical center «Fresenius- Kuban» Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Republic of Karelia AIDS Centre Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Republic of Karelia
City:  Petrozavodsk
Shegovarskaya outpatient department, Shenkursky district, Arkhangelsk Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Arkhangelsk oblast
City:  Arkhangelsk
St. Petersburg City Tuberculosis Dispensary Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Saint-Petersburg
City:  Saint Petersburg
St. Petersburg State Health Care Institution "The I.I. Skortsov-Stepanov City Psychiatric Hospital n:o 3" Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Saint-Petersburg
City:  St. Petersburg
St.-Peterburg STI Clinics Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian commercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Saint-Petersburg
State health facility “Regional anti-tuberculosis dispensary” Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Astrakhan oblast
City:  Астрахань
State health facility “The Vologda regional center on prevention of AIDS and communicable diseases” Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Stroevskaya outpatiebt department, Ustiyansky district, Arkhangelsk Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Sverdlovsk Oblast Psychiatric Hospital Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Sverdlovsk oblast
Tomsk oblast TB services Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Tschuchanskaya central district hospital Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Kurgan oblast
City:  Tschuch'e
Tuberculosis Dispensary of the Murmansk Region Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Murmansk oblast
City:  Murmansk
Tuberculosis Dispensary of the Republic of Kareila Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Republic of Karelia
Whitman-Walker Clinic (WWC) Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  United States
Yaroslavl Oblast Clinic Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Yaroslavl oblast
City:  Yaroslavl
Yaroslavl Oblast maternity hospital Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Yaroslavl oblast
City:  Yaroslavl
Архангельский областной клинический противотуберкулезный диспансер Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Arkhangelsk oblast
Архангельский областной центр медицинской профилактики Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Arkhangelsk oblast
City:  Архангельск
Волгоградский областной центр по профилактике и борьбе со СПИД и ИЗ Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Volgograd oblast
City:  Волгоград
ГУ РК "Республиканский противотуберкулезный диспансер" Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Komi Republic
ГУЗ "Ивановский областной онкологический диспансер" Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Ivanovsk oblast
City:  Иваново
ГУЗ "Областная туберкулёзная больница", Калужская область Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Kaluga oblast
City:  Kaluga
ГУЗ "Областной клинический противотуберкулёзный диспансер", Кемерово Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Kemerovo oblast
City:  Кемерово
ГУЗ "Республиканский центр по профилактике и борьбе со СПИДом и инфекционными заболеваниями", республика Башкортостан (ГУЗ РЦПБ со СПИДом и ИЗ) Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Republic of Bashkortostan
ГУЗ "Самарский информационно-аналитический центр МИАЦ" Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Samara oblast
City:  Самара
ГУЗ «Республиканский противотуберкулёзный диспансер» Минздравсоцразвития Чувашии Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Chuvash Republic
Директорат здравоохранения и социальной политики, Норвегия Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Norway
City:  Oslo
Клиника для детей и подростков. Университетская больница Северной Норвегии г. Тромсе Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Norway
City:  Тромсё
Комитет по здравоохранению Мурманской области Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Central administration and authority of the local self-guidance of the RF
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Murmansk oblast
City:  Мурманск
Министерство здравоохравнения и социального развития Самарской области Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Russian Federation
City:  Samara
МУЗ "Городская клиническая больница №4", Иваново Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Ivanovsk oblast
City:  Ivanova
Муниципальное медицинское учреждение "Городская клиническая поликлиника № 15" Промышленного района городского округа Самара Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Samara oblast
Муниципальное медицинское учреждение "Городская поликлиника № 9" Октябрьского района городского округа Самара Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Samara oblast
Новосибирская муниципальная детская клиническая больница скорой помощи №3 Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Норвежская ассоциация пациентов с заболеваниями сердца и легких Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Norway
Норвежский центр телемедицины Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Norway
Областной Центр планирования семьи и репродукции, Оренбург Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Orenburg oblast
City:  Orenburg
ОГУЗ «Орловский противотуберкулезный диспансер» Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Orel oblast
City:  Орёл
ОГУЗ "Областная клиническая больница", Иваново Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Ivanovsk oblast
City:  Иваново
ОГУЗ «Областной госпиталь для ветеранов войн», Иваново Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Ivanovsk oblast
City:  Иваново
Региональное Управление здравоохранения по Северной Норвегии Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Norway
Республиканский наркологический диспансер Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Республиканский центр по профилактике и борьбе со СПИДом и инфекционными заболеваниями Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Сardiologic dispensary Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Komi-Permyatskiy autonomous region
ФГУ "Центр государственного санитарно-эпидемиологического надзора в Чувашской Республике" Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Chuvash Republic
ЦРБ Вичугского района, Ивановская область Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Ivanovsk oblast
ЦРБ Кинешемского района, Ивановская область Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Ivanovsk oblast
ЦРБ Палехского района, Ивановская область Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Ivanovsk oblast
ЦРБ Приволжского района, Ивановской области Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Ivanovsk oblast
ЦРБ Пучежского района, Ивановская область Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Irkutsk oblast
ЦРБ Родниковского района, Ивановская область Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Ivanovsk oblast
ЦРБ Тейковского района, Ивановская область Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Ivanovsk oblast
ЦРБ Фурмановского района, Ивановская область Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Ivanovsk oblast
ЦРБ Шуйского района, Ивановская область Details
Type:  Therapeutic and prophylactic establishments and the organization
Group:  State organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Ivanovsk oblast

ФГУ «ЦНИИОИЗ Минздравсоцразвития РФ» официальный сайт

 Copyright  2002—2024, Federal Public Health Institute
 The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
 Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"