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5 documents were found, according to the following criteria:
Topic: Family planning and human reproduction
The following list shows all these found documents. Please click on Details to see more information on each of them.
American International Health Alliance: Advancing global health through professional, volunteer, peer-to-peer partnership. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Information material, brochures, promotion material    
From Project:  American International Health Alliance (AIHA) Health Partnership
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
School of positive mothering and young fathers. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Training materials    
From Project:  Samara Health System Reform Programme
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Sex during pregnancy and after delivery. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Concepts, proposals, discussion papers, recommendations    
From Project:  Samara Health System Reform Programme
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Topics of training in the school of young fathers Passport of the Document
Document type:  Training materials    
From Project:  Samara Health System Reform Programme
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Training Programme for Feldshers and Midwifes on Reproductive Health, Postnatal and Perinatal Care in Kaliningrad Region. Annex II. d, 3rd Progress Report. November 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Training materials    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable

ФГУ «ЦНИИОИЗ Минздравсоцразвития РФ» официальный сайт

 Copyright  2002—2024, Federal Public Health Institute
 The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
 Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"