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9 documents were found, according to the following criteria:
Topic: Mandatory health insurance
The following list shows all these found documents. Please click on Details to see more information on each of them.
Analytical review of the regional fund activities for protection of rights of the insured (Yaroslavl) 1999. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews   author contact available
From Project:  Governance of Social Security: Social Insurance, Medical Insurance and Pensions
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Conceptual approaches to the development of voluntary health insurance, its combination with compulsory health insurance system. 1998. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Concepts, proposals, discussion papers, recommendations   author contact available
From Project:  Governance of Social Security: Social Insurance, Medical Insurance and Pensions
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Management of Quality of Health Service and Protection of Insured rights in Murmansk and Yaroslavl. 1999. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews   author contact available
From Project:  Governance of Social Security: Social Insurance, Medical Insurance and Pensions
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Organization and Operation of the Compulsory Health Insurance System in Murmansk Region. (Summary) 1999. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews   author contact available
From Project:  Governance of Social Security: Social Insurance, Medical Insurance and Pensions
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Possible approaches to elaboration of differentiated health insurance programmes. 2000. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Concepts, proposals, discussion papers, recommendations   author contact available
From Project:  Governance of Social Security: Social Insurance, Medical Insurance and Pensions
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Regulations on the Experimental Introduction of a Financing Model for GP Services in Murmansk Region. Annex III. c, 3rd Progress Report. November 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Legislation, normative documents    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
The Evaluation Of The Attitudes Towards Reforms And The Directions For Change In Financing And Delivery Of Health Care in Four Regions of The Russian Federation. 2000. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews   author contact available
From Project:  Governance of Social Security: Social Insurance, Medical Insurance and Pensions
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
The Insurer’s Work In Protection Of The Insured’ Rights In The Yaroslavl And Murmansk Regions Of The Russian Federation. 1999. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews   author contact available
From Project:  Governance of Social Security: Social Insurance, Medical Insurance and Pensions
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
The Role of Health insurance Companies in Management of the System of Compulsory Health insurance and Organization of Health services. 1999. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews   author contact available
From Project:  Governance of Social Security: Social Insurance, Medical Insurance and Pensions
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable

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 Copyright  2002—2024, Federal Public Health Institute
 The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
 Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"