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12 documents were found, according to the following criteria:
Topic: Children’s health
The following list shows all these found documents. Please click on Details to see more information on each of them.
Defining the Type and Severity of the Violence against Child Passport of the Document
Document type:  Methodological materials, guidelines, manuals    
From Project:  American International Health Alliance (AIHA) Health Partnership
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Experience of the international collaboration in the children’s psychiatry in the Sverdlovsk region. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Reports   author contact available
From Project:  Health Reform of Child Mental Services
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Health Promotion Schools. Recommendations for program implementation. - Moscow, 2000. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Methodological materials, guidelines, manuals   author contact available
From Project:  Preventive Health Care Systems
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Health Promotion Schools: Condition and Development Perspectives in the Vologda Oblast: Materials of the final conference June 19-20, 2000. - Vologda, 2000. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Protocols, proceedings of conferences, workshop materials, minutes of meetings    
From Project:  Preventive Health Care Systems
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Logframe on "Strengthening Prevention of Infant Mortality in Kaliningrad Region". Annex II. f, 2nd Progress Report. July 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Action plans, strategic plans, schedules, logframes, programmes, policies    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Modern aspects of organization of the mental health services for children: Proceedings of the regional conference, Ekaterinbourg, February 24-25, 1999. - Yekaterinburg, 1999. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Protocols, proceedings of conferences, workshop materials, minutes of meetings    
From Project:  Health Reform of Child Mental Services
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Organisation of the multiple profile teams in the children-teenagers psychiatric service in Sverdlovsk region: Practical recommendations. - Ekaterinburg, 2001. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Methodological materials, guidelines, manuals    
From Project:  Health Reform of Child Mental Services
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Output to purpose summary / DfID Project - Health Reform of Child Mental Health Service: Snapshot Report. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Reports    
From Project:  Health Reform of Child Mental Services
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Pervouralsk child and adolescent service of mental health: leaflet. - Russian-British Project of Health Prom Association, ‘Child Mental Health’ Know-How fund. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Information material, brochures, promotion material    
From Project:  Health Reform of Child Mental Services
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Practical guidelines on child-adolescent psychiatry: British approach. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Methodological materials, guidelines, manuals   author contact available
From Project:  Health Reform of Child Mental Services
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Review of “Preventive Health Care Systems (EU/Tacis Project EDRUS 9601)”. Annex I, 1st Progress Report. February 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
The British uncle promised… - Uralsky rabochiy. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Magazines, periodicals, newspaper articles, scientific articles   author contact available
From Project:  Health Reform of Child Mental Services
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable

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 Copyright  2002—2024, Federal Public Health Institute
 The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
 Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"