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95 organisations were found...
Action Against Hunger (ACF) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
American International Health Alliance (AIHA) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  United States
City:  Washington
Association for Drug Prevention and Consultation Bielefeld e.V. Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Germany
Association for Voluntary and Safe Contraception International (AVSC) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  United States
City:  US
Bread for the World (BFW) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  United States
City:  Washington
British Know How Fund Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Great Britain
City:  London
British non-profit organization Healthprom Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM), US Department of State Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  United States
Canadian Agency of International Development (CIDA) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Canada
City:  Moscow
CARE International - Canada Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Canada
Charitable Foundation "Life Line" Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Children in Crisis, London Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Great Britain
City:  London
County Council of Jamtland Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Sweden
Danish Refugee Council/Danish Peoples Aid (DRC/DPA) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Denmark
DENAL Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Ingushetian Republic
Department for International Development (DFID) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Great Britain
European Public Health Alliance (BE) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Belgium
European regional WHO bureau Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Denmark
European Union (EU), EU-Russia Cooperation Programme (formerly known as Tacis) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
Foundation for civic initiatives support Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
German Government Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Germany
Germany Federal Ministry of Health Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Germany
Government of Finland (FINGOV) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Finland
Government of the French Republic Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  France
Government of the Netherlands Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Netherlands
Hammer Fоrum e. V. (HFO) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
Health and Life Sciences Partnership Consulting (HLSP) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Great Britain
City:  London EC1V 9HL
Health Department of Volgograd oblast Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration and authority of the local self-guidance of the RF
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Volgograd oblast
City:  Волгоград
Healthy Russia Foundation Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Humanitarian Action Foundation Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Saint-Petersburg
City:  Saint-Petersburg
International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
International Medical Corps (IMC) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  United States
City:  Santa Monica
International Organization of Migration (IOM) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Luxembourg
Iowa Hospital Education and Research Foundation (IHERF) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  United States
IREX Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  United States
City:  Washington
Italian Cooperation (IC) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Italy
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Luxembourg
City:  Moscow
Kirov branch of foundation ‘Our Future is in Our Hands’ Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Lapland Provincial Government Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Finland
Luxemburg MFA Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Luxembourg
Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF-B) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Belgium
Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF-F) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  France
Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF-H) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Netherlands
Medical Emergency Relief International (MERLIN) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Great Britain
City:  London
Medicins du Monde (MDM) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  France
City:  Paris
Ministry of Health and Care Services of Norway Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Norway
Municipality of Rauma (Finland) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Finland
New Eurasia Foundation (FNE) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Norway
Nicare Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Ireland
City:  Belfast
North South Group Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
Open Health Institute/Open Society Institute (OSI) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
OXFAM Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Great Britain
City:  Moscow
Population Services International (PSI) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Luxembourg
Public Foundation Novaya Zhizn Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Public Health and Social Development Foundation FOCUS-MEDIA Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Moscow
City:  Moscow
Red Cross - Norway Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Norway
Red Cross - Sweden Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Sweden
Russian Federation Red Cross (RFRC) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Moscow
City:  Москва
S.-Petersburg charitable public organization «Prospects» Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Saint-Petersburg
City:  S-Peterburg
Soros Foundation Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  United States
Stichting Mainline, Amsterdam Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Netherlands
City:  Amsterdam
Swedish Agency for International Development (SIDA) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Sweden
Swedish Association of Sexuality Education (RFSU) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Sweden
Swedish East-European Committee (SEEK) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Sweden
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Switzerland
Task Force on Communicable Disease in the Baltic Sea Region (TFBS) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
Task Force on health for the UN Common Country Assessment Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Germany
City:  Eschborn
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Norway
U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  United States
Region RF:  Russian Federation
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
United Nations Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Luxembourg
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
City:  Moscow
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  United States
US Department of Labor Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  United States
WHO Moscow Office (WHOMOW) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Russian Federation
City:  Moscow
World AIDS Foundation (WAF) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
World Bank (WB) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
City:  Moscow
World Health Organisation (WHO) Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Internation organization
Yaroslavl branch of Russian women’s charity for an AIDS-free future Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Yaroslavl oblast
City:  Yaroslavl
Благотворительный Фонд развития города Тюмени Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Tyumen oblast
City:  Tumen
Министерство внешней политики Финляндии Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Central administration of the foreign countries
Country:  Finland
Некоммерческий фонд реструктуризации предприятий развития финансовых институтов Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Moscow
City:  Москва
Нижегородская Ассоциация Неправительственных Некоммерческих Организаций "Служение" Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Nizhniy Novgorod oblast
City:  Nignii Novgorod
Программа Matra Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Foreign commercial and noncommercial organizations
Country:  Netherlands
РОО «Операция «Улыбка»» Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  United States
Российское общество Красного Креста, Кемеровское региональное отделение Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Kemerovo oblast
City:  Кемерово
Санкт-Петербургская региональная благотворительная общественная организация помощи лицам без определённого места жительства Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  Russian noncommercial organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Leningrad oblast
City:  St. Peterburg
Совет по международным исследованиям и обменам (АЙРЕКС), США Details
Type:  Donor, charitable, philanthropic organizations
Group:  International organizations
Country:  Russian Federation
Region RF:  Moscow
City:  Москва

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 Copyright  2002—2025, Federal Public Health Institute
 The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
 Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"