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18 documents were found, according to the following criteria:
Topic: Inpatient care
The following list shows all these found documents. Please click on Details to see more information on each of them.
American International Health Alliance: Advancing global health through professional, volunteer, peer-to-peer partnership. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Information material, brochures, promotion material    
From Project:  American International Health Alliance (AIHA) Health Partnership
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Analysis “Reform of the health care system of the city of Samara. December 1996 - March 2000”. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews    
From Project:  Samara Health System Reform Programme
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Case history of the ambulatory patient. - SPbMAPS. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Methodological materials, guidelines, manuals    
From Project:  Support for Health Systems Development
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Governor of Samara oblast regulation on the concept of development of the health care system and health protection of the population of the Samara region for 2001-2005. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Legislation, normative documents    
From Project:  Support for Health Systems Development
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Governor of Samara oblast regulation on the draft law of Samara region “About approval of the territorial programme of state garanties on providing the population of the Samara region with the free medical care for the year 2002”. - Samara, 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Legislation, normative documents    
From Project:  Support for Health Systems Development
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Governor of Samara oblast’s regulation on the approval of the rules of mandatory health insurance of the population of Samara region. - Samara, 1998. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Legislation, normative documents    
From Project:  Support for Health Systems Development
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Governor of Samara oblast’s regulation on the concept of development of the health care system and health protection of the population of the Samara region for 1996-2000. - Samara, 1996. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Legislation, normative documents    
From Project:  Support for Health Systems Development
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Investigation of the Personal Experience of the Hospital’s Patients # 1. - Samara. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews    
From Project:  Samara Health System Reform Programme
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Medical organisational basis of restructuring hospital and outpatient services based on regional progressive models of development. Methodical recommendations of the MoH # 99/17. -Moscow, 1999. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Methodological materials, guidelines, manuals    
From Project:  Support for Health Systems Development
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Methodical recommendations on organisation of the day care hospitals in the health care facilities. - Moscow, 2000. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Methodological materials, guidelines, manuals    
From Project:  Support for Health Systems Development
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Nursing in the post-surgical period (standards of the professional work) // Medical Care. - #5. - p 47-48. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Magazines, periodicals, newspaper articles, scientific articles   author contact available
From Project:  Support for Health Systems Development
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Pass for the ambulatory patient. Polyclinic # 73, Pontonny village, Leningrad oblast. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Methodological materials, guidelines, manuals    
From Project:  Support for Health Systems Development
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Programme of Health Care Reform in Samara: Evaluation of Day Care Centres’ Performance. - 1998. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews    
From Project:  Samara Health System Reform Programme
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Re-organisation of the Hospital Care. Implementation of aOne Day Surgery Department. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Reports    
From Project:  Samara Health System Reform Programme
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Report on Hospital Management Component: Annex O // Tacis - Support for Health System Development: Completion Report. - 1997. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Reports    
From Project:  Support for Health Systems Development
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Smolninskiye Principles of the Primary Medical Care Reform in Russia. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Concepts, proposals, discussion papers, recommendations    
From Project:  Support for Health Systems Development
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Supplement # 2 to the resolution of the Samara regional agreement commission on fees for medical services, paid from the mandatory health insurance funds: Price list # У-35-01-2001/4- стац. for services of the Samara oblast hospitals. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Catalogues, criteria lists, check lists, lists of recommended books, lists of equipment    
From Project:  Support for Health Systems Development
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
The Quality of Health Care/Hopsital Activities, report by the Working Party on Quality Care in Hospitals of the Subcommittee of Co-ordination. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews    
From Project:  Reform of Health Care Financing
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable

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 Copyright  2002—2024, Federal Public Health Institute
 The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
 Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"