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32 documents were found, according to the following criteria:
Topic: Monitoring and evaluation
The following list shows all these found documents. Please click on Details to see more information on each of them.
1st Progress Report. Main Body. February 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Reports    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
2nd Progress Report. Main Body. July 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Reports    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
3rd Progress Report. Main Body. November 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Reports    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Analysis of the Local Preconditions for Replication in the Chosen Priority Areas of the Pilot Regions. Annex III, 1st Progress Report. February 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Anonymous questionnaire # 2: Assessment of the syringes exchange point. - Urals State Medical Academy. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Questionnaires    
From Project:  HIV/AIDS Harm Reduction Programme for Intravenous Drug Users
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Basic Data Sheets. Annex III, Inception Report. October 2001. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Reports    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Diabetes Education Programs in the Moscow Region: New tools for disease management. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews    
From Project:  American International Health Alliance (AIHA) Health Partnership
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Inception Report. Main Body. October 2001. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Reports   author contact available
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Inception Report. Overall Output Performance Plan. October 2001. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Action plans, strategic plans, schedules, logframes, programmes, policies    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Inception Report. Overall Plan of Operations. October 2001. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Action plans, strategic plans, schedules, logframes, programmes, policies    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Interviewing Tools for the Review of Completed Health Projects. Annex II, Inception Report. October 2001. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Questionnaires    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Medical-Economic Effectiveness of the Medical Care for the Patients with Bronchial Asthma in Ambulatory Care Facilities: PhD Thesis - Samara, 2001. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews   author contact available
From Project:  American International Health Alliance (AIHA) Health Partnership
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Methodology for Review of Completed Projects. Annex I, Inception Report. October 2001. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Methodological materials, guidelines, manuals    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Modern approaches in HIV and drug addiction prevention in Sverdlovsk region: Methodical materials for administrations of municipal institutions. - Ekaterinburg, 2001. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Methodological materials, guidelines, manuals    
From Project:  HIV/AIDS Harm Reduction Programme for Intravenous Drug Users
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Modern approaches in HIV and drug addiction. Programme of harm reduction: Proceedings of the regional scientific practical conference, Yekaterinburg - London: London: Uralsky University, 2001. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Protocols, proceedings of conferences, workshop materials, minutes of meetings    
From Project:  HIV/AIDS Harm Reduction Programme for Intravenous Drug Users
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Monitoring in Russia. Pilot Survey Of Social Conditions In Families In Bashkortostan And Orlovsky Oblast. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews   author contact available
From Project:  Governance of Social Security: Social Insurance, Medical Insurance and Pensions
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Monitoring of the Health Status of the Population in the Vologda Oblast: Conditions & Perspectives - Conference materials, May 23, 2000. - Vologda, 2000. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Protocols, proceedings of conferences, workshop materials, minutes of meetings    
From Project:  Preventive Health Care Systems
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Monthly report on the AIHA partnership. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Reports    
From Project:  American International Health Alliance (AIHA) Health Partnership
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
NWHRP Netletter, No. 1; May 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Information material, brochures, promotion material    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
NWHRP Netletter, No. 2; October 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Information material, brochures, promotion material    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Organisation of the prevention work to prevent spreading of the infectious diseases to the injection drug users: Methodical recommendations. - Ekaterinburg, 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Methodological materials, guidelines, manuals    
From Project:  HIV/AIDS Harm Reduction Programme for Intravenous Drug Users
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Prevention Programs: Manual on planning, implementation and evaluation. - Moscow, 2000. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Methodological materials, guidelines, manuals   author contact available
From Project:  Preventive Health Care Systems
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Replication Packages. Annex II, 1st Progress Report. February 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Catalogues, criteria lists, check lists, lists of recommended books, lists of equipment    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Report from the Identification Workshop of the Inception Phase. Annex IX, Inception Report. October 2001. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Protocols, proceedings of conferences, workshop materials, minutes of meetings    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Report on Research and Evaluation Component: Annex P // Tacis - Support for Health System Development: Completion Report. - 1997. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews    
From Project:  Support for Health Systems Development
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: not downloadable
Report on the 1st National Steering Committee Meeting. Annex VII, 1st Progress Report. February 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Protocols, proceedings of conferences, workshop materials, minutes of meetings    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Report on the Workshop “Developing Options for Evaluation: Making the Most of Innovative Health Reform Initiatives”. Annex VI, 2nd Progress Report. July 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Protocols, proceedings of conferences, workshop materials, minutes of meetings    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Reports from the Regional Workshops. Annex VI, 1st Progress Report. February 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Protocols, proceedings of conferences, workshop materials, minutes of meetings    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Review of Evaluation Principles and Tools. Annex V, 1st Progress Report. February 2002. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
Setting Regional Priorities. Annex IV, Inception Report. October 2001. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Reports    
From Project:  Improving Health in North West Russia: North West Health Replication Project
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
The Evaluation Of The Attitudes Towards Reforms And The Directions For Change In Financing And Delivery Of Health Care in Four Regions of The Russian Federation. 2000. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews   author contact available
From Project:  Governance of Social Security: Social Insurance, Medical Insurance and Pensions
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable
The role of the clinical audit in promoting quality of health care delivery. 2000. Passport of the Document
Document type:  Research materials, studies, analyses, assessments, reviews   author contact available
From Project:  Governance of Social Security: Social Insurance, Medical Insurance and Pensions
Availability:  In the Institute Library: lendable
From the Internet: downloadable

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 Copyright  2002—2024, Federal Public Health Institute
 The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
 Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"