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Scientific and practical Internet-conference / 12.5.2011
Scientific and practical Internet-conference \"Science and Innovations in Medicine\" Member Statistics May 12, 2011. Number of participants - 198 Including: Students - 15 Professionals - 21 Postgraduate candidates - 28 Ph.D. - 40 Young scientists - 50 Join now! h... Äàëåå
Call for papers. SQLab. / 22.9.2008
We glad to invite you to participate in scientific and practical Internet-conference \"Science and Innovation in Medicine - 2010\". Organizer: Research Laboratory \"SQLab. The aim of the conference: introduction of the use of statistical methods to analyze medical data, as well as, attracting ... Äàëåå
/ 19.9.2008
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Conferences and seminars

24/03/2005 Press-conference: “Influenza. Seasonal epidemics: prophylaxis and defense of the immune system”

The press-conference: “Influenza. Seasonal epidemics: prophylaxis and defense of the immune system” will take place on March 29, 2005.

According to the data of the International Public Health Service Organization, each person in average catches cold twice a year. More than 7 thousand cases of influenza are registered in Russia annually. These diseases reach their climax in spring and autumn.

It is very hard to get rid of the viri because of the high genetic variability. The most reliable way of protection is to strengthen one’s immune system.
General topics of the press-conference:

1. The causes of the diseases and disease prophylaxis.

2. National medications.

3. Myths and reality: the infliction of the immune-modulators on the oncological illnesses progress.

The press-conference will take place on March 29, 2005 at 14.00 in the conference hall of “RIA Novosti” agency (Zubovsky Boulevard, 4, the fifth floor).

Registration table starts working from 13.00.

Additional information contacts:

phone: (095) 728-5999, 201-5019, 201-4567, 981-6472,


23/03/2005 Press-conference “Prognostication of large-scale epidemics”

The press-conference “Prognostication of large-scale epidemics”, spoken by professor of Gamalea Institute Boris Boev will take place on March 28, 2005 in the press-club of RIA “Novosti”.

According to professor Boev, “atypical pneumonia” and other kinds of atypical diseases is the response to people for barbarian and unreasonable devastating of nature and its resources. He doesn’t agree with the ones who believe that this is only the result of weapon testing in the East. The scientist will share his point of view with journalists.

Additional information:,

21/03/2005 International Day of Struggle against TB

The press-conference, devoted to the International Day of Struggle against Tuberculosis “Future free from TB depends on you!” will take place on March 23, 2005 at 12.00 in Moscow in the Central House of Journalist (Nikitsky Boulevard, 8a).

This day has been chosen not occasionally. 123 years ago on March 24 Robert Koch addressed a meeting about the discovery of the pathogene of this disease. In the 1982 in the connection with the centenary anniversary of the discovery by Koch IUATLD suggested announcing this data as International Day of Struggle against TB to appeal to the society that the struggle with this disease represents world-wide importance.

TB is a mortally dangerous and contagious disease. Death rate and loss of capacity for work because of the infection represent a great problem for many highly developed countries, as the disease inflicts people at the age of 15 – 54.
TB takes lives of 2 million people annually, though there are effective medicines for its treatment.

The motto of the International Day of Struggle against TB in Russia: “Future free from TB depends on YOU!”

Personal knowledge of every member of the society about this dangerous contagious disease is an effective weapon in this struggle. In Russia more than 30 000 people die from TB annually and more than 120 000 cases of TB are registered.
In the 2003-2004 the Minister of Health and Social Development of Russia signed a number of documents, conductive to the effectiveness of anti-TB measures. The realization of the international project against TB has also been updated.
In the course of the conference there will be organized a charity performance, which will take place in the Central House of Journalist (Nikitsky Boulevard, 8a), on March 23, 2005 at 18.00.

Additional information:

Rostislav Mitrofanov

phone: (095) 787-21-16,


Full text is available only in the Russian version.

18/03/2005 Round table “Urgent problems of national pharmaceutical production”

Round table “Urgent problems of national pharmaceutical production” will take place on the 22 of March in Moscow.

Dedov I.I., Semenov B.F., Bikov V. A., Katlinsky A. V., Selichenko A.V. will participate in this meeting. The experts will discuss the state of the Russian science-research basis, its potentials and tendencies.

The problems of partnership of national science and producers, which show the opportunities and perspectives of the pharmaceutical industry development, will be discussed more thoroughly. Modern achievements of Russian science in the area of medical preparations producing reveal new opportunities of this partnership existence.

The round table will take place on the 22 of March 2005 at 11.00 in Nikitsky Boulevard 8 A, in the Central House of Journalist, the Marble Hall.

Additional information contacts:

PR-agency “Creative-studio Pressto”
Phone: (095) 101-3523 (Kulkova Elena, Koleda Yulia)


Full text is available only in the Russian version.

17/03/2005 International Forum MedSoft-2005

The international forum MedSoft-2005 will take place in Moscow during the 28-30 of March. The organization of the conference in informational technologies in medicine is foreseen in the course of the forum.

The place of performance: Moscow, Krasnye Vorota subway station, Kurskaya subway station, Pokrovka Street 47/24, the Central House of Industrialist.

The aims of the organization:

· Rendering help to the medical institutions in usage of computer systems;

· The analysis of the state of the market;

· etc.

Topics of the conference:

· Computer systems in treatment and diagnostics;

· Medical Internet;

· Teaching systems;

· Multimedia

· Electronic case histpries

· etc.

One of the central goals of the forum is the highest possible attraction of the chiefs and specialists of medical institutions.

Additional information contacts:

Elyanov Mikhail, phone: (095) 400-1062; 8-916-628-5946,

Ivanova Tatiana, phone: (095) 234-53-65, .

Full text is available only in the Russian version.

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 Copyright  2002—2025, Federal Public Health Institute
 The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
 Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"