Health news
19/10/2005 Mass dispanserization would be revived by 2007
It is planned to double spending on dispanserization (this is an every year doctors commission) next year. They plan to start from harmful industries.
The whole story is available in Russian.
18/10/2005 Onischenko urged to separate bird’s and men’s flu from each other.
Gennadiy Onischenko, the main state medical doctor of the Russian Federation, has advised everybody to have an influenza vaccine. This will allow preventing mutation of bird’s flu to the form which could threaten men’s life.
It is planned to provide 23 million people with a free doze of a vaccine. These are people of a high risk group (children, doctors and old people).
The whole story is available in Russian.
18/10/2005 To be a doctor becomes prestigious.
Mihail Fradkov, the head of the Russian government, stated that the profession of doctor will become very prestigious soon. But still he did not mention what exactly would be done to make this statement come true.
The whole story is available in Russian.
15/10/2005 Healthcare reform in the Russian regions: opening of web-site.
In October, 17, 2005, it is planned to hold a conference: Healthcare reform in the Russian regions. A new web-site will be presented in it. The site name is The conference will take place in 4, Zubovskii bulvar, Moscow. The preliminary accreditation is obliged.
The whole story is available in Russian.
14/10/2005 Russians get discounts for dispansarisation.
The Russian Ministry of Healthcare and social development is planning to stimulate the population to have dispansarisation (special medical commission by the group of the doctors) by providing some discounts for medicines. The dispanserisation is due to be held twice a year.
However, the Minister has not mentioned the exact size of the discounts.
The whole story is available in Russian.