Health news

17/01/2005 In some regions even on the sixteenth day of the reform it is impossible for people to understand who is responsible for this and that
Yesterday in Saint-Petersburg people made a traffic jam on Nevsky Broad Street. And this happens not for the first time: people can’t understand regional administration and get an understandable answer to the question: “Where is the money, which was promised for privileges?”
An interview with the vice-prime Alexander Zhukov
- What do you think, if it is the law that appeared to be so imperfect than it has been supposed to, or if it is the executives that failed?
- I believe, that the law is absolutely reasonable. It is for the first time, when the full list of people, who have privileges, has been made. It includes 14,5 million people.
- Do you mean the list of names?
- Yes, the list of names of all privilege “possessors”.
- Do you mean to say that all these people have already got their money?
- All of them will get it till the 20th of January. Besides the most necessary services will remain free for all of them.
- Speaking about federal privilege “possessors”, if there are any problems, they can be easily solved, but what about disabled workers and common pensioners? And first of all it is the problem, concerning the free passage.
- Here are the most urgent situations?
- The most urgent situations are there, where the administration has got rid of privileges but money is still not paid off. In this connection I can say that there are a lot of regions, where the problem was solved well. For example there are regions that have given privilege tickets, which are equaled to the money paid.
- The situation is absurd: there are money but it isn’t paid off. Why do things like this happen?
- You know, I don’t want to approve or disapprove of regional administrations. As for me I would recommend to save the privileges in those regions, where the payments can’t yet be provided.
- Two things coincided in the beginning of the year: it is money for privileges, on the one hand and increase of the dwelling taxes. How people can combine these things?
- All privileges in connection with the dwelling taxes are saved for people included into the federal list. But it is clear that there are a huge number of common pensioners. That is why we are trying to solve the problem by the means of increasing the stock pension.
Interview with the chairman of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov
- What do you think, if it is the law that appeared to be so imperfect than it has been supposed to, or if it is the executives that failed?
- The law is good. We give real money to true and real people who have privileges. But to our regret, the executives as usual failed. If each of them had done what he was supposed to, all these privileged people would feel that they really got profits.
-The regional level is the most urgent now. How toughly do you control the regional administrations?
- At the 11th of January all deputies returned to Duma with a great number of questions, problems and suggestions that can be found in the regions. I can say that the situation is absolutely under control. Speaking about regions, they can either save the privileges, or change them for money.
The situation demands explanations. A citizen needn’t read the laws, but these laws have to be explained to him.
- Are you going to change the law taking into consideration new circumstances?
- The previous week was devoted to the analysis of the situation in the country. We will continue learning the mass point of view. We see that there are no complaints against the law. The complaints are against its execution. That is why any changes of the law itself are out of the question.
Elena Lashkina
Full text is available only in the Russian version.
15/01/2005 The April pension will grow up in February. The government will increase its bases up to 760 rubles beforehand
Last Thursday till late at night the presidium of the “Yedinaya Rossiya” party was taking council, where vice-prime Alexander Zhukhov, ministers Alexey Kudrin, Vladimir Yakhovlev, Mikhail Zurabov and Raschid Nurgaliev were present.
“The government first of all concentrated on the technical part of the law, thus totally forgot about a person himself”, claimed the secretary of the “Yedinaya Rossiya” party Valeriy Bogomolov critically.
So, first of all it has been decided to increase pensions as quickly as it could be. Yesterday it was stated that the bases part of a pension will be increased on 15 % (so they will reach 760 rubles) already in February.
The appropriate law will be prepared and considered in the State Duma the next week.
The indexing of monthly privilege payments will account not less than factor of inflation. This will take place beginning with August 2005 year, but not with the 1st of January 2006 as it has been planned. And in January of the current year the government promised to pay rise in wages of the workers of the law-enforcement organs, to cover their passage expenses.
Besides the regional government will be given such recommendations as “introducing into practice privilege tickets for people, who have privileges”. The members of the “Yedinaya Rossiya” party suggest letting the workers of the law-enforcing organs free passages, in case, if they will be wearing uniform.
Irina Nevinnaya, Tamara Schkel
Full text is available only in the Russian version.
14/01/2005 On the meeting of the government of the Russian Federation the Prime Mikhail Fradkov charged the managers of the departments with looking after the accomplishing of the law, concerning “payments for privileges” in all regions of Russia
The first meeting of the government in the new year was laconic and rather reserved. Actually the Eve of the Old New Year and Press Day became a little clouded: the fever of overt actions against “money for privileges” tortures the country. That is why the head of the government Mikhail Fradkov charged the vice-prime Alexander Zhukhov, the head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Mikhail Zurabov, the head of the Ministry of Regions Vladimir Yakhovlev, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Raschid Nurgaliev and some other managers with taking council with “Yedinaya Rossiya” party.
Although, in the appearance of the tension in the society the Prime blames the press.
Besides the members of the parliament were not looking for communicating with the press. More than that, social department was sent yesterday to the State Duma, where, at all appearances, the ministers will be reminded once again of their personal responsibility.
However Fradkov stated, “We leave the meetings of the government overt”. But this work overt turned out to be very laconic.
The Minister of Regional Development Vladimir Yakhovlev was also charged with some advice by Fradkov. The Prime Suggested “clarifying the situation and filling up the informational vacuum” (concerning the change of privileges for money). After all, as Fradkov mentioned, “this painful topic concerns the regions in the majority of cases”.
The incidence of the Ministry of Regional Development includes responsibility of the state policy in the areas of: construction, defense of the rights of national minorities and native scanty nations, international relationships, etc.
The only problems that remained unsolved were the quantity of the Ministry staff and the volume of financing. But the Ministers promised to solve them rather quickly and conjointly.
Elene Lashkina
Full text is available only in the Russian version.
13/01/2005 Come into being – drink – be dead
Business lunch with chief sanitary inspector of the Russian Federation Gennady Onischenko was started with the message that he had signed enactment on preparing to possible epidemic of influenza.
- According to the information, which is presented by the World Health Organization we should be prepared for the appearance of the new anti-gene variant of influenza virus, which could cause the epidemic of flu “with the rise of sickness rate in 4 – 5 times, and death rate in 5 – 10 times”, Onischenko claimed.
It’s could happen that in near years the mankind will come into collision with the culture of flu virus. For more than thirty years all over the planet one and the same culture of flu virus has been being presented, changing a bit its genotype. This is the very peculiarity of influenza. The flu virus survives only thanks to its changeableness. Long ago, when traveling in cabs, it was much more possible to die during the journey, if you were ill, or even recover. And now.. A man come from Thailand, brought something in himself and fell ill. The planet is rather small and the viruses need no visa.
- And is there any increase of flu in Russia now?
- Yes. E.g. in Moscow it accrues 15 % each week. In some areas the epidemic threshold has already been overlapped.
- Is it reasonable to inoculate ourselves against the disease?
- It is, if there are no sick people around.
About the rights of the consumers and overdue sausage for needy people; mamma in civic society (That is, overt action of giving syringe to drug-addicts. If not to stop the transpotting, than at least to prevent AIDS and hepatitis.)
Is AIDS a myth? How many people in fact are infected by the virus? About the total profiteering on the problem of AIDS-infected people: what do they actually need and what they get in fact from the so-called life-savers.
Tsunami – so distant and so close. In the area of the elemental disaster the sanitary-epidemic situation is urgently inauspicious. The high increase of the infectious morbidity already takes the upper hand even among tourists. What shall they bring back to their own countries?
About the bio-technological food stuffs: for and against. Is there any total danger?
Is it true that that the sanitary inspectors and the workers of the sanitary-epidemic institutions have been told not to visit the being built atomic installations?
About beer as a stimulus: today sucking a bottle of beer tends to be privileged. It doesn’t even mean that you want this beer so much, it’s because sucking beer is just a norm.
Irina Krasnopolskaya
Full text is available only in the Russian version.
12/01/2005 Health can’t be had for love or money.The program of clinical examination survived in Moscow.
Moscow is the only city in Russia, where the program of clinical examination survived, - as it was said yesterday on the meeting of Moscow government. “And, may be, we also should reject the very program?” – asked the Minister of Finances Yury Korostelev during the discussion of the project program on 2005 – 2007 years.
The acting mayor Valery Shantsev didn’t support this point of view: “It’s better to bring the disease to light in the beginning of its development, rather than spend huge sums of money on its treatment”.
The project of the new clinic examination program provides for examination of all women from 40 to 60 for possible pectoral gland diseases twice a year. With the same periodicity all men from 35 to 69 will be examined for possible prostate gland disease (about 48 % of Moscowers suffer from it). To gain this, special examination rooms will be opened in each out patients’ clinic, and those that already exist will be equipped according to the latest inventions. The price of the new program corresponds to 681,3 million rubles. This modesty was explained rather simply – the previous program cost five times cheaper, but money that was found for it hardly reached 20 %. A miracle happened this time: Shantsev demanded to finish off the project depending on the needs of the public health service, but not on the state of the treasury.
Lubov Pyatiletova