Health news
16/08/2005 Ill by standard
Moscow approved order of free medical provision
Yurii Luzhkov signed the order named “About social support to the privilege individuals in Russia” to receive medicines free or with a 50% discount. Such document has existed starting from 1999, but after the bill on “Monetization of the privileges” it has to be corrected.
Provisional data from the order shows who the privileged people are and who can be free prescribed on medicines or a 50% discount.
The whole story is available in Russian.
15/08/2005 Акция по обмену очков на операцию лазерной коррекции зрения
С 20 июня по 31 августа 2005 года сеть офтальмологических клиник "Эксимер" проводит в Москве акцию "Получи скидку на лазерную коррекцию зрения в обмен на… свои ОЧКИ!" Всем участникам предоставляется скидка 10 процентов на лазерную коррекцию зрения, а пришедшим делать коррекцию в компании скидка увеличивается до 15 процентов.
Подробности и справки по адресу: г. Москва, ООО "Современные медицинские технологии", ул.Марксистская, д.3, тел. (095) 912-1422, 911-2076, детское отделение: (095) 911-0905, 912-3922.
«Эксимер» - это некоммерческий альянс ведущих специалистов в области офтальмологии, куда на протяжении последних десятилетий входят ведущие медицинские университеты, научно-исследовательские институты, лучшие офтальмологи и офтальмохирурги многих стран мира и Европы.
Все организации, входящие в состав некоммерческого альянса «Эксимер», работают в тесном сотрудничестве друг с другом. Год за годом специалисты участвуют в программах обмена опытом, стажируются в ведущих медицинских центрах России и Европы, докладывают о своих успехах на профессиональных конференциях, конгрессах и симпозиумах, демонстрируя блестящие результаты научных разработок.
11/08/2005 Treat! With no limits.
An agreement on equal rights on medical assistance is ready.
For the last two days the experts discussed some points on agreement on equal rights for Russians and Byelorussians for medical assistance in medical institutions in both countries.
The discussion turned to be hard and laborious. This has happened due to large difference in legal support in two countries.
In Minsk, medical service is financed by the state budget, and in Moscow – by the budget as well as by insurance companies.
The last problem which left to be solved during further meetings is who will pay for Russian patients in Minsk, furthermore who will pay for Byelorussian patients in Moscow.
The whole story is available in Russian.
n/a Eight trips to polyclinic.
Rossiyskaya Gazeta provides us for the Program on the state guarantee to render free medical assistance to the citizens of the Russian Federation in 2006. Such document has to be approved every year.
The program stipulates for free services of the emergency, the polyclinics and the hospitals. The Russian government plans to spend R3, 400 per capita’s treatment in 2006.
The whole story is available in Russian.
n/a Do you have heart?
Leo Bokeriya suggests: we are leaving in capitalistic society with socialistic public health service
Leo Bokeriya is the world famous heart surgeon and a head of the Bakulev Center on heart and vessels surgery. The Center provides its patients with such excellent living conditions that one can not believe he is in hospital, because it looks more like a five star hotel. Leo is sure that walls also help to cure.
When the President visited the Center Leo has not asked him for any help, he just wanted to know the government’s plans on health service. Leo considers that the health service is ready for the reforms. The most important thing is to find financing for the patients so they do not think on how to pay for medical help, medicines and so on. And the only one way is to insure patients as everywhere in the world. For example, the cost of the disposable implements for the surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass is about $3, 017, but the Center can not spend such amount of its patients’ money.
The whole story is available in Russian.