Health news

28/07/2005 Mihail Zurabov: supporting invalids
Government found extra funds for it
12 mln people in Russia are invalids in Russia. Russian President has paid attention to the barest necessity in supporting of the invalids who were injured during the wars. Starting from the 1st of May, the invalids of the World War II had been receiving about R9, 200 per month (that is about $320). Furthermore, the invalids of other wars receive up to R4, 250 per month. Obviously, this sum is certainly very scanty.
Russian government prepared amendments to the law. It is planned to increase payment from R4, 250 to R9, 000.
In addition, the Government wants to enlarge the list of rehabilitation facilities and orthopedic devices.
The whole story is available in Russian.
25/07/2005 Majority of medical officers are civilian
65% of the medical officers in the Russian Armed Forces are the graduators of the military and extreme medicine departments of civilian institutes. The rest 35% are the graduators of the Military Medical Academy, where they have been prepared for seven years.
On the 5th of July, Sergei Ivanov announced Russian government is ready to approve cutting down the military departments from 229 to 30-35.
The military departments work in every medical institute. They collect students who after 3 or 4 years studying are sent to the Military Medical institutes in Samara, Saratov and Tomsk. Then the students study two or three years more and after that they enter contract military service.
The whole story is available in Russian.
23/07/2005 Pill but not prescribed one
The deputies deprived Russians of the right in choosing drugs
The Duma approved the changes to the Federal law “About drugs” in the first reading.
It is suggested to prescribe chemical composition but not brands. The difference between them is tremendous.
For example, there is a very popular drug called TIMOLOL which leads to decrease high intraocular pressure and to treat glaucoma. The drug is rather old and a lot of famous pharmaceutical firms offer the analogues. In Russia it is registered as TIMOPTIK, the whole number of brands is about 25 names in the market. The privileged people would be prescribed with TIMOLOL and would buy the Russian analogues. The problem is how the privileged people choose the right TIMOLOL out of 25 brands.
Who would help people to choose the needed drug – the doctors, the pharmacies?
The whole story is available in Russian.
23/07/2005 Drugs without advertising
Sergei Mironov suggests limiting to advertise drugs
Sergei Mironov, the chairman of the Federation counsel, went to Siberia federal region to control readiness for the reforms of the local self-governing which are planned to be held starting from the 1st January 2005.
He found the region is highly prepared to achieve the new Federal law on local self-governing. For example, institutions of local governing has experimented the work in Novosibirsk region ahead of schedule (starting from the 1st January this year).
Mironov suggested transferring some functions on drugs advertisement on professional medical organizations. Furthermore, he expressed his disagreement on increasing the pension age because of demographical situation in Russia.
The whole story is available in Russian.
20/07/2005 Regional privileged people are not provided with drugs adequately.
Russian Clearing chamber came to the conclusion that the adequate provision with drugs of the privileged people in the Russian regions fluctuates between 38% and 64%.
The whole story is available in Russian.